Your Music
Pwns. Just like everything else. It pwns.
Your Music
Pwns. Just like everything else. It pwns.
First song to give me goosebumps that bad in a while. To me, this sounds up there with Skrillex and DeadMau5.
What?! 9000?!
Awesomerist Tetris remix ever. thats it, i'm outa words to describe it. lol.
=) thanks man!
I just started listening to your music today, i love ALL of it, you pwn man. keep it up!
i haven't had a song give me goosebumps like this in a while! it almost seems as if you can feel the music, well done! and very technical counter and main beats. as well as a good bass line.
This is one of my oldest songs, Yet I still feel it's pretty damn good. compared to my new stuff.
although lot of it is pretty much stock, I spent alot of time on this one.
Glad you liked it buddy,
i loved the trancy part that started at 1:24. very creative and possibly goose-bump indicing in the right club. Also has a decent bass line.
Thanks, that's good to know! :)
Love the intro, and the electronic sounds after. well played. and the bass is pumpin!
The thing thats nearly canstantly playing in the back ground make it feel like my brain is vibrating or something, good song!
Well done!
This is epic music. It makes me think of apocalyptic things. Very good song.
I truely hate hip hop, but the lyrics were just amazing. it gave me goose-bumps. that doesn't happen often. 10/10
Age 31, Male
Joined on 12/2/09